

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” -Steve Jobs

The business world would be a pretty boring place without all the wonderfully creative minds. Building a brand that stands out in the crowd depends heavily on finding the ideal middle ground between creativity and technical strategy.
At Ayokay, we are blessed
with the best of both worlds.
To us, creativity involves a persistent effort to push the envelope and challenge the boundaries of innovation.
Creating a remarkable business platform falls between the categories of art and science. Even though all humans are different, they consume online content in similar fashions with common psychological triggers. Our goal is to integrate creative solutions with this concept to continuously ensure a healthy bottom line.

Web Design & Development

Designing and developing a website, in any regard, is far from a black and white task. Each job encompasses a completely different set of demands, requirements, and adherence to the target audience.

Our experienced creative staff prides itself on the ability to think outside the box and reshape the very definition of the status quo from industry to industry.

We fully understand and empathize with the fact that not all business owners are skilled in web design and development. Most entrepreneurs pride themselves on being profound “idea” people; which is why we enjoy working with them so much. One of the greatest pleasures we find in our profession is working with all kinds of brands to help turn design visions into exquisite realities.

Our team will work with you at the drawing board to pinpoint your exact design needs and formulate a solution that is harmonious with your values and long-term goals.

E-commerce Web Design

In decades past, brick and mortar stores were working tirelessly to compete with the giants known as Walmart and K-Mart. These days, e-commerce websites are doing the same; only the giants’ names are Amazon and eBay.

There is much more to an e-commerce website than many people initially think. Whether you want to start your e-commerce web design from scratch, or use a pre-made theme, building and optimizing a platform requires a comprehensive strategy. Designing with the intent of maximizing conversions involves a highly creative eye with a knack for finding the common threads of user intent.

Our design team has worked with e-commerce brands of all shapes and sizes. It always amazes us how a seemingly minuscule tweak in a website’s layout can make a world of difference. Throughout all our experience, we’ve found the best results come from continuous research, testing, and optimizing to pinpoint the most conversion-friendly formulas.

User Experience Design

The “Age of the Customer” is in full swing with no signs of slowing down. In terms of how customers interact with your business platform, designing with the user experience (UX) in mind is the most important piece of the puzzle.

User experience encompasses the look, feel, and overall usability of your site. It’s all about creating a perfect harmony of these components in relation to the users’ values. In order to grasp this concept, designers must firmly understand exactly what defines the most optimal flow through a given interface.

Our process starts with extensive research on the psychological design factors in play, as well as historical datasets on user interaction. From here, we identify the best possible solutions to make your customers’ interaction with your platform a seamless one from start to finish.

Website Redesign

The online world is changing by the minute. Take any big name brand and compare their current website to what it was a few years back. Chances are, it will look very different.

Web design must be viewed as a constant working progress. Brands must be continuously tweaking and updating their platform to remain relevant. First impressions are truly everything on the internet; and you only have seconds to make one.

As a business owner, the last thing in the world you want is for people to arrive on your website and immediately jump to the conclusion that the layout is outdated and sketchy. In addition to turning people off at first glance, it gives the impression that your site isn’t fully safe and secure. As a result, people leave in droves without even seeing what you have to offer.

For this reason, it must be fully understood that your brand’s website will require a good deal of redesign throughout its lifetime.

Our designers know exactly how fast online preferences and developments change. By constantly staying up-to-date on these defining trends, we are able to use our exceptional skills and expertise ensure your website evolves properly with the times.

Website Maintenance Services

Innovative web design and development are critical to a brand’s success. Website maintenance ensures all your hard work remains competitive. There are countless reasons why website maintenance must be taken very seriously.

For one, as many are aware, the internet is full of all sorts of dangers. Not placing a high priority on website maintenance can easily put your platform (and users) at risk. With this in mind, no business can afford to omit this crucial aspect of running a website. Doing so can end up costing you much more in the end.

Secondly, website maintenance is important to how your business ranks on the search engines. Google’s philosophy has always been to ensure the user is presented with the freshest, highest-quality content. Failing to make frequent modifications lowers your status in the eyes of the search engine crawlers. Over time, this will push you lower than your active competitors and damage your bottom line.

Finally, a well-maintained website is crucial for attracting new customers while maintaining the interest of existing ones. At the end of the day, frequent performance tracking, functionality testing, quality control, copy production, and infrastructure monitoring are the keys to making sure the entire UX is properly nurturing customer relationships.

The maintenance services we offer at Ayokay are fully aware of all the potential hazards out there. We will make sure your website continuously reflects your values in terms of providing a stellar UX from A to Z.