
E-Commerce Conversion Optimization

Get more sales from your existing traffic!

Get More Conversions on
Your Online Retail Store

Running an e-commerce business in the age of Amazon is no easy task.

As an online merchant, one of your core objectives is to make sure you are getting quality traffic on your website. All the same, it is immensely important for you to convert these leads into sales. Let’s not forget that Google takes bounce rate into account when ranking your website.

E-commerce conversions don’t just happen out of thin air. Each one encompasses several steps that a visitor/potential customer must take on the website. Together, the results define your conversion rate. The constant goal is to optimize your customers’ experience and continuously drive them to take a desired action – such as subscribing to a newsletter or completing a purchase.

Ayokay – Offering Unmatched Conversion Rate Optimization

At Ayokay, we know that conversion rate optimization is not limited to just the homepage or the landing pages. This process takes into consideration each touchpoint to your platform. Our aim is to cover all these bases extensively and ensure they consistently improve your online store’s performance.

Reasons to Choose Us for Conversion Rate Optimization

We make it a point to firmly understand your buyer personas and the customer journey. We create the ideal digital shopping environment based on thorough research, previous purchase behavior, consumer feedback, and comprehensive split testing.

Our team of digital commerce experts work in close quarters with you and your stakeholders to implement failsafe strategies that everyone agrees on.

Our high-performing teams have the relentless agenda to boost your e-commerce conversion rates by thinking several steps ahead with intrinsic problem-solving tactics.

We use data-driven insights to enhance your catalogs, landing pages, user flows, and more.

We are committed to a long-term plan of steadily mapping your e-commerce website’s growth and conducting diligent testing to find out what works best.

Studies have found that the average time spent on a website is 190.4 seconds – including 4.6 pageviews. These figures can make the task of gaining conversions seem like a tough feat accomplish. Fret not, we have you covered.

A cornerstone of our plan involves reducing website elements that can adversely affect conversion rates. These include factors like:

Pop-ups and
Slow Loading
Poor Landing
Page Design
Inferior Content

Our plan of action to persistently improve your
site includes (but is not limited to) the following steps:

Content Optimization

Offering clear, concise, and relevant content with ATF and BTF content optimization

Tweaking Your Value

Appropriately tweaking your value proposition words.


Mapping seamless navigation.

Search Feature

Incorporating a properly-functioning search feature.

CTA Buttons

Testing and optimizing CTA buttons.

Questions & Answers

Creating a FAQ page that answers potential queries.


Improving SEO titles, bullets, and product descriptions.

Product Categories

Updating product categories.

Open in a New Window

Making external links open in a new window.


Securing payments.

Quick and Easy

Designing forms that are quick and easy to fill out.

Regularly Using The Website

Regularly using the website to pinpoint any snags.

This was only a sneak peek of our
vast e-commerce CRO efforts.
Want to find out more?
Get in touch with us today!